清华苏州环境创新研究院_重磅 | 清华大学环境学院&清华环境研究院与瓦赫宁根大学联合培养博士项目2022年招生计划



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重磅 | 清华大学环境学院&清华环境研究院与瓦赫宁根大学联合培养博士项目2022年招生计划

[2022-05-25 14:31:50]

清华大学环境学院(TU-SoE)、清华苏州环境创新研究院(RIET)与荷兰瓦赫宁根大学与研究中心(WUR)联合培养环境科学与科技(Environmental Sciences and Technology)博士项目(简称“EST项目”)是中、荷顶级高校与研究院所的联动合作,是一个将科学知识转化为应用的创新平台;各方发挥自身优势,致力于培养一批环境领域及其交叉学科的高水平专业人才。EST项目由双方主席王凯军教授(TU-SoE)和Prof. Huub Rijnaart(WUR)一致同意于2019年正式启动,2020年公开发布第一轮招生计划,目前已择优录取4名高质量博士生候选人。

1st call for EST project (2020)

current PhD candidates

为进一步延续并加深TU-SoE, RIET与WUR的合作,历时一年的筹备,EST项目择优筛选出两项博士研究课题,现公开发布EST项目2022年第一期招生计划,欢迎优秀硕士研究生申请!课题招生计划具体如下:

Project 1:PrecisePlastic-开发与构建基于区块链和生命周期理念的循环塑料垃圾管理系统

PrecisePlastic-develop and incentivize a circular plastic waste management system based on the integration of Blockchain and life cycle engineering


Microplastic in typical water bodies in China and the Netherland

What do we offer?

As a PhD candidate, you will be part of an ambitious team with a strong commitment to solving a wide range of problems, where every individual's contribution and accountability is vital to our core culture.

In the joint doctoral research projects, we are offering a temporary position with an average working time of 40 hours per week for a duration of 48 months, of which 18 - 24 months in Wageningen, the Netherlands, and remaining work will be completed in Beijing or Suzhou, China. The exact employment conditions is subject to each individual PhD project and will be discussed in details during interview and documented in an official agreement among all parties involved and the candidate.



1. 全日制本科和硕士毕业,已获得硕士学位; 或在项目启动前可获得硕士学位的(需由导师/学校开具相关有效证明);

2. 报考的领域与本人硕士研究生的领域相同或相近;

3. 具备攻读博士学位所需的英语听、说、读、写能力(IELTS 成绩总分不低于6.5 分,口语单项成绩不低于6.0分或TOEFL成绩总分不低于90分,口语单项成绩不低于20分)。申请人获得教育部认可的国外正规高校颁发的硕士学位且授课语言为英语(至少两年课程)者,则无需提供上述英语证明。(具体要求由瓦赫宁根大学做最终评定)




2. 本科和硕士学历、学位证书、课程成绩单复印件(原件请在面试时提供);在项目启动前可获得硕士学位的需提交由导师/学校开具相关有效证明;

3. 英语水平证明。其中英语水平证明需提供有效期内的雅思成绩(总分不低于6.5 分,口语单项成绩不低于6.0分)或托福成绩(总分不低于90分,口语单项成绩不低于20分);

4. 个人简历及不超过 2000 字的个人陈述(中英文;英文陈述 1-2 pages);

5.  两名报考领域专家(教授或研究员)推荐信;

6. 硕士学位论文摘要(英文);

7. 主要学术成果(发表的论文、获奖证明、专利等)复印件,原件请在面试时提供;

8. 报名费(200元)(支付码如下;扫码支付时请务必备注:姓名+手机号后四位)

打开支付宝,扫码支付报名费 ⬆





How to apply?

Admission requirements

- You have a Master degree (or equivalent) in the above mentioned education background; or You are in the first four years of your research career in the above mentioned education background and do not hold a doctoral degree yet;

- You have an excellent command of the English language (oral and written). According to the English proficiency demands of Wageningen University, the recognized certificates (not older than 24 months) and the minimum required scores are: TOEFL internet-based 90, with minimum sub-score 20 for speaking; ELTS (academic version) 6.5, with minimum sub-score 6.0 for speaking.


1. Send your

- Curriculum Vitae;

- Motivation Letter;

- Scans of your Diplomas, Grade lists (bachelor and master, or equivalent) and Certificate of Proficiency in the English Language;

- References from at least two supervisors or professors;

- Filled Application Form (download from below Attachment Downloading QR code)

Scan to download application form ⬆

to qian.chi@tsinghua-riet.com with the subject “EST_PhD+your name+project no.”  before 18th March 2022, 23:59 BJT. (*Please note that all scans must be PDF files.)

2. 200 RMB Application fee by scanning the Alipay Payment QR code below (Please mention your Full name+the last four digital of your telephone number)

Scan to pay for application fee (Alipay) ⬆

For more information about application, please contact Qian Chi at qian.chi@tsinghua-riet.com, or Weishan-Chen at est.wimek@wur.nl.

Who are we?

Wageningen University and Research (WUR)

Making a significant contribution to the quality of life, we focus on each and every day. Within our field, healthy food and living environment, we seek answers to issues that impact the world - sustainable food production, climate change and alternative energy. Of course, we are not doing this alone, a team of 5,000 people around the globe is working hard every day to improve the quality of life and turn ideas into reality.


School of Environment, Tsinghua University (SoE, THU)

As one of the earliest Chinese institutions dedicated to environmental higher education and research, the School of Environment (SoE) of Tsinghua University (THU) is pledged to the development of sustainable solutions that allows minimizing the impact of human activities on environment. Its commitment also includes educating people to embrace the idea of sustainability. Its Environmental Science subject of TU-SoE has been ranking as No.1 in the country for more than ten years, and the world ranking has been stable at around the top 10.


Research Institute for Environmental Innovation (Suzhou), Tsinghua (RIET)

RIET is a spin-off organisation of Tsinghua University boasting the expertise in the innovation of environmental technology. At present, there are more than 480 people working at RIET (of which 80% are master degree or higher),  26 R&D teams and 1 academician workstation.




Copyright © 2017 清华苏州环境创新研究院 Research Institute for Environmental Innovation (Suzhou), Tsinghua All Rights Reserved. 苏ICP备17033812号

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